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Networking for Introverts: How to Make Connections in a Comfortable and Authentic Way

Networking is critical for career success, but it can be painfully difficult for those of us who identify as introverts, socially anxious, or shy. Everything feels overwhelming about meeting new people, but there are some tips and tricks you can use to feel more comfortable and natural. Here are a few ways to improve your networking skills.

How Can You Network as an Introvert?

Talk with Friends and Family

The best place to start when looking for a new job is with the people you already know. Talk to friends and family about the kind of job you want and ask them to help you in any way they can. They may know someone hiring or be able to connect you further down their networking chain.

You can use digital media today to expand your reach on Facebook or via email. But don’t be afraid to talk to people and ask them about your search when you see them face-to-face.

Use Social Media

Your online connections go beyond sharing vacation photos and catching up with old high school friends. You can use various platforms to expand your network beyond those you know. When looking for a job, update your LinkedIn profile, as this remains the professional networking platform.

You can also follow companies you’re interested in. You’ll see job postings sooner when you interact with a brand online.

Give Yourself a Challenge

Networking can feel terrifying if you’re not confident in your social skills. But in-person events are a significant source of information that can help you land a job. Challenge yourself to leave your comfort zone and attend an industry or community event. Ask a friend or professional acquaintance to join you to be a buffer if you can.

Check out industry-specific events in your area, local networking groups, or your chamber of commerce to see what events are free and open to the public.

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